You don’t need a fancy degree, more certifications or learn how to code to be able to land a nice, high-paying job in tech

My clients and I have landed interviews & jobs at companies like this ⇓

Here’s how we did it:

Learning how to reposition our existing experience in a way that tech companies understand

Ditching the imposter syndrome and show up confident in our job search

Learning to talk unapologetically about ourselves and our accomplishments during tech interviews

Oh Hi ! I’m Michelle

In 2015, I used my 3-year experience working in
retail and a call center to help me break into Amazon as a Risk Analyst and I went on to become a Program Manager at AWS.

Since 2019, I’ve coached and taught thousands professionals from various sectors to do the same and guess what?

My process works!

90% of my 1:1 practice broke into aligned, 80k and 100k+ jobs in tech using the experience they already had 🤩

❌ Without getting another degree, certifications or learning how to code 

Safe to say – in the past 7 years, I’ve learned lots of career strategies and mindsets that can help YOU achieve the same and more.

Are you ready? Let’s get you into tech 🚀